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Mr Worry A Story about OCD
freeing ur chld frm anxty
Freeing Your Child From Anxiety: Revised and Updated Edition: Practical Strategies          
Practical Strategies for Parents of Children and Adolescents.            
Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.            
Harmony/Random House Books, 2014.

Freeing Your Child from Anxiety contains easy, fun, and effective tools for teaching children - from toddlers to teens - how to outsmart their worries and take charge of their fears. This revised and updated edition also teaches how to prepare children to withstand the pressure in our competitive, test-driven culture. Simple solutions can help parents prevent their children from needlessly suffering today - and ensure that their children have the tools they need for a good life tomorrow. Buy at Amazon.com

Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Powerful,      
Practical Strategies for Parents of Children and Adolescents.      
Tamar Chansky, Ph.D.      
Three Rivers Press, 2001.

A book for parents, therapists and teachers which cracks the code of a confusing disorder and describes in detail the steps to take in tackling the four themes of OCD: contamination, checking, symmetry and intrusive bad thoughts.Buy at Amazon.com

Freeing Your Child from NegativeThinking Tamar Chansky, Ph.D. Da Capo, 2008

A book for parents and professionals to help arm children with powerful techniques to overcome negative spins. These strategies are for any child who is self-critical, gives up easily, hates to lose, has trouble dealing with disappointment and failure large and small, and has trouble finding the good in his or her day, or life. Buy at Amazon.com

mr worrry
Mr. Worry: A Story about OCD    
Holly Niner    
Albert Whitman, 2004

A storybook for children about OCD and its treatment. "Soft soothing artwork accompanies a quiet story about a young boy trying to overcome the terrors of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in his daily life." -School Library Journal. Buy at Amazon.com

I can't stop
I Can't Stop: A story about Tourette Syndrome   
Holly Niner   
Albert Whitman, 2005

A story for children about tics and Tourette Syndrome. The doctor tells Nathan that the repeated movements (tics) his body makes might be Tourette Syndrome. With the help of his doctor, parents, and best friend, Nathan learns about managing his tics. Buy at Amazon.com

Anxious 9 to 5 Larina Kase, Psy.D., MBA

This self-help book for adults offers cognitive-behavioral solutions for workplace anxiety, from doubting your decisions to perfectionism, procrastination, public speaking anxiety, and fears of failure. Beat anxiety and develop greater workplace confidence and success. Buy at Amazon.com

Tics and Tourette's Breakthrough
Tics and Tourette's: Breakthrough Discoveries in Natural Treatments 
Sheila J. Rogers

A leading guide for parents and professionals, the discoveries in this book shed new light on innovative treatments for these perplexing neurological diagnoses with relevance beyond tic disorders. The role of allergies, additives and environmental factors are some of the many important influences explored in this extremely useful book. Buy at Amazon.com

Brought to you by The Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety.
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