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The parent workshop- Nurturing Courage and Competence- Helping Your Child Cope...
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About Us

about us

This site was launched in 2004 by the Children's Center for OCD and Anxiety in Plymouth Meeting, PA with the generous support of the Childhood OCD Project in Boulder, CO. because of the urgent need to address the growing needs of our children to be equipped to cope with and overcome the stress, worry and anxieties in their life. Children with anxiety suffer needlessly and often suffer invisibly. Just because their symptoms don't show doesn't mean that they don't take a toll. Stress and anxiety can negatively impact a child's health, social growth, and academic performance. In our lives today the sources of stress and worry increase daily, our hope is that this site will keep the needs of anxious kids on the radar of the adults who can help them.

Who are we?

Tamar Chansky, Ph.D. is the Founder and Director of the Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety, and the author of Freeing Your Child from Anxiety, and Freeing Your Child from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Dr. Chansky lectures to parents, psychologists and educators regularly on how to make anxiety treatment and prevention kid-friendly, effective and easy to implement. She is frequently on television, radio and in magazines. A member of the American Psychological Association, Anxiety Disorders Association of America and the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation, Dr Chansky lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two daughters.

Lynne Siqueland, Ph.D. is a psychologist at the Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety and has been specializing in treating anxiety disorders in children and adolescents for over 15 years. She also has done research and published on both cognitive-behavioral and family treatments while on the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania. Her publications include: Siqueland, L. & Diamond, G. (1998). Engaging parents in cognitive behavioral treatment for children with anxiety disorders. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 5(1), 81-102 and Siqueland, L., Rynn, M. & Diamond, G (2004). Cognitive behavioral and attachment based family therapy for anxious adolescents. Journal of Anxiety Disorders. Dr. Siqueland is a member of the American Psychological Association, Anxiety Disorders Association of America and the Obsessive Compulsive Foundation. Mostly she enjoys working with families and children together to lead happier and more fulfilling lives. Dr. Siqueland lives in Elkins Park, PA with her husband and daughter.

Click on the following links, to know more about us:

Tamar Chansky,Ph.D 
Lynne Siqueland,Ph.D 
Deborah Roth Ledly,Ph.D 
Muniya Khanna,Ph.D 
Chiara Baxt,Ph.D

Brought to you by The Children's and Adult Center for OCD and Anxiety.
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