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Parent workshop available in online format with Q and A or online option to view when works for you
The parent workshop- Nurturing Courage and Competence- Helping Your Child Cope...
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Online Tools for Parents

Child Anxiety Tales

Child Anxiety Tales

Online Training Program for parents of children struggling with stress and anxiety

Simple, convenient, and effective

Created by Dr. Philip Kendall and Dr. Muniya Khanna , Child Anxiety Tales is built on decades of research on child anxiety, and provides parent education on how they can help their child. It teaches cognitive-behavioral principles and gives step-by-step guides on what parents can do at home.

The Child Anxiety Tales program has been evaluated in a research trial and found to be effective in helping parents feel informed and empowered to support their children.

The program includes 10 training modules designed to teach parents strategies for helping their anxious child.

Symptom Checker

Parents can complete a symptom checker, which will provide personalized feedback on your child’s symptom status and recommendations for next steps. Keep track of your child’s progress by following the results of the symptom checker over time.

Find out whether your child may be suffering from excessive stress or anxiety by answering a few simple questions.

10 Interactive Training Modules

The program is fun and easy to use. It includes 10, 35-minute web-based fully animated modules that teaches parents background and principles of cognitive-behavioral treatment, relaxation techniques, and step-by-step guidelines on helping children and adolescents understand how to manage anxiety. The educational content is fully driven by principles that have research evidence to support it. Parents will have easy access to gold standard evidence-based treatment principles for child anxiety at their fingertips!

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